Intern at UC Centers in Sacramento or DC
Attention UCR Faculty, Staff and Student Orgs: Would you like us present to your class or student program about Center for Undergraduate Research and Engaged Learning opportunities? Click here to fill out the classroom visit & speaker request form.
Earn academic credit and career readiness skills!
Academic internship programs through the UC Center in Sacramento (UCCS) and UC Washington Center (UCDC) provides high-impactexperiential learning opportunities beyond the classroom for students to earn academic credit and career readiness skills. Students will grow professionally within their career fields and enhance academic learning. The educational value is exhibited through research, student learning objectives, professional and academic guidance from a faculty advisor and internship site supervisor, and the opportunity to successfully link theoretical knowledge from the classroom to the real-world.
Undergraduate students spend 10 weeks during the summer, fall, winter, or spring quarter. The cost is comparable to a UCR quarter, financial aid applies, and scholarships are available. Students must have good academic standing, junior/senior standing (or completed at least two upper-division coursework in any field), and must plan a year in advance to ensure the coursework fits their UCR academic plan. Capital internships are open to ALL majors, including arts and STEM majors. Students do not need to be political science or public policy majors, or interested in law or government relations! International, undocumented/AB540/DACA and transfer students are also welcome!
UCR Capital Internships
Student Services Bldg. 2nd FL
Office Hours by Appointment
Macy Jeffery Ring, Program Manager, Capital Internships
Phone: (951) 827-6717
Email: macy.ring@ucr.edu
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If you are interested in public policy in California, consider UCCS as your opportunity to combine coursework and professional experience while living, interning, and attending classes in Sacramento. The UCCS program is available year-round and is open to all majors!
The University of California Washington Center (UCDC) academic internship program allows students to continue their studies and gain valuable on-the-job experience while interning and living in Washington, D.C. The UCDC program is available year-round and open to all majors and hosts extraordinary internship opportunities in every field.
Events - Capital Internships
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