Undergraduate Research Portal and Opportunities

uResearch Portal

The uResearch Portal is a one-stop shop for students to find opportunities to participate in faculty-mentored research, scholarship, and creative activities. The portal also allows faculty to advertise, track, manage applications, and select students for research roles. All disciplines are represented and opportunities come in a combination of options for students to get course credit, be paid, and/or gain volunteer experience.

Research Resources
  • Getting Started – Tips on how to identify faculty who are conducting research in your field of interest:
  • Preparation Tips for Contacting Faculty:
    • Be prepared to sell yourself; bring a resume and copy of your transcripts.
    • Think about why you are interested in the research area and what preparation you’ve had to complement their project (other research experience, course work, papers you’ve written, enthusiasm for the topic).
    • Be prepared to articulate why you want to work with the faculty mentor (research focus, work experience, mentoring, preparation for graduate/professional school, technical knowledge, cutting edge research, opportunity to figure out career opportunities, etc…).
    • Practice your elevator speech to introduce yourself:
      • Who are you? (what defines you, makes you unique)
      • What do you offer? (experience, course work, enthusiasm, interest)
      • Why are you interested in the topic/research project?
      • What do you know about the discipline?
      • What do you hope to contribute?
      • What are your long term goals?
  • Questions to ask during your interview:
    • What are the faculty member’s expectations of work to be accomplished by student researchers?
    • How many work hours per week are expected?
    • What are the opportunities for taking on increased responsibilities?
    • How many undergraduate students have presented their research at professional meetings (off and on campus) and/or published papers based on their work?
    • Did these students receive credit in the form of authorship for their work?
    • Does the professor have funding to support his/her research program?
    • Will there be opportunities to apply for research funding through the student mini-grant program?
    • Can you earn research units for your work?
Organized Campus Research Programs

CAMP: California Alliance for Minority Participation in STEM research

  • Focus on underrepresented students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

MacREU: Research Experiences for Undergraduates

  • Focus on applications of thin films or monolayer materials for chemistry, physics, and engineering (EE, ME, BE, CE) students

MARC U Star: Maximizing Access to Research Careers, Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research

  • Focus on underrepresented students in biomedical and behavioral sciences

STEM Pathways

  • Focus on Hispanic or low-income students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

RISE: Research in Science and Engineering

  • Summer programs focused on increasing diversity in science research
  • Includes CNAS Scholars Fellows, STEM Pathways, Dynamic Genome Scholars

U-SPARC: Underrepresented Students Pursuing Agricultural-Related Careers

  • Spring and Summer experience, focused on Sophomore and Junior students

MSRIP: Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program

  • Summer research program focused on students entering their Junior or Senior years, emphasis on supporting students from educationally and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds

UCLEADS: University of California, Leadership Excellences through Advanced Degrees

  • Two-year program focused on Sophomores
  • The program supports students from educationally and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds

School of Medicine Pipeline Programs

  • Information on pathways programs for students interested in pursuing a career in the medical or health fields

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

  • A two-year program that provides financial support, mentorship, and graduate school application assistance. Designed for students in their last two years of their undergraduate experience

Regional Research Opportunities