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R'Courses - Teach a Course

Why should I teach my own R'Course? 
Creating and teaching your own R’Course is easier than you think, and we’ll help you every step of the way

Some benefits to teaching a R'Course are:

  • Overcome your fear of public speaking
  • Distinguish yourself on your resume and during interviews (employers want to hear how an undergraduate was able to teach!)
  • If you want to go to Grad School, teaching a R'Course can help you get funding to become a graduate assistant!
  • If you want to be a Teacher, this is GREAT experience for you in designing and teaching your own course from beginning to end.
  • ANY of the skills you learn in teaching a R'Course are transferrable to any industry and will help you build leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork skills, technology/research skills, and equity and inclusion skills. ALL skills that employers NOW are looking for in students, and also are coincidentally part of our EXCEL+ Career Readiness plus Leadership program (

The process is conducted in three phases: think/apply, develop/learn, and facilitate.
  1. The Think/Apply phase (Quarter 1) requires students to think of a course topic, identify a faculty mentor, develop the idea, and submit a proposal.
  2. The Develop/Learn phase (Quarter 2) requires future facilitators to enroll in 1-unit of 190 with their faculty mentor to develop the course, and enroll in 1-unit of EDUC 102 to learn about facilitation.
  3. Students lead the course for their peers in The Facilitate Phase (Quarter 3).



R'Course Graphic Large
Proposal Deadlines:
Quarter Deadlines
Fall Oct. 20
Winter Jan. 20
Spring Apr. 20


Online Proposal Form

Needed to complete form:

Faculty mentor name and email
Department chair name and email
Draft syllabus (USE Template!)

Create a Course

Please read through all of the information on how to create a course before you turn in a proposal. If you need assistance, please email us at

  • Requirements
    • Current undergraduate (we are in the process of allowing PhD students the ability to teach an R'Course. Email us at if you are interested). 
      • Make sure you have 3 quarters remaining at UCR to begin the process. Once you have graduated you cannot teach an R'Course
    • GPA = 2.5 or higher (email us if you are a new transfer student)
    • Faculty Mentor
      • Reach out to faculty that are in the department that is the best match for your course
        • If your course is health-related, you may have faculty from the School of Medicine mentor your course, but it will be hosted in Education
      • Start with faculty you have a relationship with (if possible)
      • Use our existing faculty mentor list for faculty who have previously mentored an R'Course
  • Student Facilitator Process
    Step 1 –

    Think of a unique topic that you would like to share with your peers!

    • Make sure you check the course catalog and past R’Course offerings to ensure that your topic is original and hasn’t been taught before. Part of the process if for you to develop your own original content for the course.

    Find a faculty mentor who can review your topic and objectives for your course idea and support you in the development of the course (Reference the list of all R'Course faculty mentors below).

    Work with your mentor and create a full proposal. A completed proposal includes:

    • New! Online R'Course Proposal Form (When you fill out the form, automatic emails will be sent to your faculty mentor and department chair for their approval)
    • Completed draft syllabus of your proposed course (Syllabus template)
    • Resume or Curriculum Vitae

    Submit your proposal to R'Course Coordinator at by the deadline listed below, but earlier is better! You will receive some feedback for your proposal and final revisions will be due by the second deadline listed below. After this, your proposal will be reviewed by the R'Course Governing Board for approval or denial.


    List of all R'Course Faculty Mentors

    Proposal process timeline

    Proposal Deadline      

    Final Syllabus Revisions Deadline Board Review dates (estimate)  Notification of Acceptance EDUC 102 & XXX 190 Teach
    Fall October 20 November 1 Week 6 or 7 Week 7 or 8 Winter Spring
    Winter January 20 February 1 Week 6 Week 7 or 8 Spring Fall
    Spring April 20 May 1 Week 7 Week 8 or 9 Fall  Winter
    Step 2 - 

    Once your proposal has been accepted, you will enroll in 2 units of coursework during the 2nd quarter:

    • XXX 190, (Directed or Independent Study, 1-unit) with your faculty mentor, in the department in which your course will be held.
      • Work on developing your syllabus further, including your reading, class resources, and potential guest speakers or outside classroom activities.
    • EDUC 102 - Democratic Pedagogy: Developing R'Courses (1-unit). This course will help you:
      • Gain important knowledge about democratic education,
      • Enable you to further expand your syllabus and class coursework,
      • Practice facilitation techniques in a learning environment,
      • Help you develop a supportive network for your teaching experience.
    Step 3 - 

    Time to teach!

    You have the option of taking another XXX 190 unit with your faculty mentor if you need additional assistance.


  • R’Courses Forms and Information Guides


  • Faculty Mentor Expectations
    Quarter 1
    • Each student applicant must identify a faculty mentor who will assist him/her with developing the course.
    • Review student facilitator(s) syllabus and proposal form and make suggestions for revisions or additions.
    • Once the student submits their proposal, sign the online faculty proposal form
    • Meet (in person or via phone/email) with student(s) to outline expectations for the 2nd quarter - XXXX190 Directed Study Course (1 unit, either S/NC or letter grade - at your discretion).
    Quarter 2
    • The student will register for 1 unit of Directed Study (190) credit with the faculty mentor after the proposal has been accepted by the R’Course Governing Board This preparation course will consist of assignments/research as needed with the faculty mentor.
    • Assist the student in creating classroom assignments, resource/reading lists, guest speakers, etc. for the R'Course.
    • Assign a grade to the facilitator(s) for work completed in the 190 course.
    • Ensure that the student's R'course has met all university policies that apply to other courses for unit credit at UCR, paying particular attention to course content, appropriate workload for a 1-unit course, instructional standards, and academic integrity.
    • The student will also take a 1-unit EDUC 102: Democratic Pedagogy course with UCR staff and faculty from the Office of Student Engagement and will delve into such topics as:
      • Syllabus and assignments review
      • Democratic Education overview
      • Discussion of Blooms Taxonomy
      • Engaging students in classroom discussion
      • Using technology to enhance student engagement
      • Lesson Planning
      • Assessment
      • Library and other Campus Resources
      • iLearn and other Campus technologies
    Quarter 3
    • The mentor will also be the instructor of record for the R'Course offered by the student facilitator. This activity can be included in the faculty mentor's merit and promotion file as an Undergraduate Mentorship experience.
    • Optional continuation of the Directed Study (190) during the 3rd quarter is optional at the discretion of the faculty and student facilitator.
    • Meet (in person or via phone/email) with the student periodically during the quarter to discuss the progress of the course.
    • Attend at least one class session (but no more than three) and provide the student with helpful constructive feedback.
    • Assign a grade (S/NC) to each of the course participants in collaboration with the student facilitator.
    Faculty Resources
  • Additional Resources

    Student-led courses at other institutions (many of these are student websites)

    Working with a Faculty Mentor:

