Faculty Resources

Resources for Faculty Mentors 

R'Course Program Overview

The purpose of R'courses is to provide an opportunity for UCR undergraduate students to develop leadership skills, innovate the undergraduate curriculum, and promote democratic, experiential education on campus.

Each student applicant must identify a faculty mentor who will assist him/her with developing the course. The faculty mentor will sign the student's proposal if they approve the concept and are willing to assist the facilitator by fulfilling the terms outlined in the agreement. During the second quarter the student will take:

  • 1 unit of Directed Study (190) credit with the faculty mentor 
  • 1 unit of EDUC 102, which is a series of training workshops to assist facilitators with developing lesson plans, assessments, classroom activities, and practice in delivering a sample lesson.

The faculty mentor will also be the faculty of record for the R'Course offered by the student facilitator. This activity can be included in the faculty member's merit and promotion file as an Undergraduate Mentorship experience. 

Student Services Building

Student Services Bldg. 2nd FL
Tel: (951) 827-7389
Email for an appointment
Email: rcourses@ucr.edu

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Proposal Submission Deadlines and Timeline
Quarter Proposal Deadline Final Syllabus Revisions Deadline Board Review dates (estimate) Notification of Acceptance EDUC 102 & XXX190 Teach
Fall October 20 November 1 Week 6 Week 7 or 8 Winter Spring
Winter January 20 February 1 Week 6 Week 7 or 8 Spring Fall
Spring April 20 May 1 Week 7 Week 8 or 9 Fall Spring

Contact the R'Courses coordinator at rcourses@ucr.edu, Ext. 2-7739, for more information.

Faculty Expectations
Department Chair Information