The proposed course is in compliance with Academic Senate guidelines on unit values, is graded on an S/NC basis, and has regularly scheduled meeting times.
- An R’Course should require approximately 30 total hours of work from each student participant over a 10-week quarter.
- Course workload breakdown:
The proposed course has explicit academic content and requirements, beyond classroom attendance, for receiving credit. In particular:
- Students read, as part of the course, articles, books, and/or primary source documents that place the topic of the course in an academic context.
- Students are informed in writing about what they need to do to pass the course.
The content of the proposed course is within the scope of your department’s academic program and does not duplicate existing courses offered in the department or at the university.
Course is not based on a previous student’s R’Course that was offered at the University (unless they receive permission). Students may teach a total of six R’Courses during their time at UCR, and a maximum of two separate topics.
You have clarified the respective roles and responsibilities of the student course facilitator and the instructor of record. In particular:
- You have reviewed and approved the course syllabus prepared by the student course facilitator. The syllabus includes an outline of course content, the reading list, and specifies assignments and the requirements, beyond classroom attendance, for obtaining a passing grade.
- You have developed a plan for supervising the student course facilitator and reviewed this plan with the student course facilitator. Supervision should take the form of at least one in-class observation, review of course materials, and meetings with the student course facilitator, along with additional support as necessary.
- The student course facilitator understands that you, as the instructor of record, are the one who has the responsibility for supervising the awarding of all final grades and for reporting the grades to the Registrar.
- You and the student course facilitator have established a mechanism for keeping accurate records and documentation to support the awarding of credit to enrolled students. Course iLearn’s are set-up with the instructor of record initially. R’Courses staff works with ITS to get facilitators instructor access to iLearn accounts. R’Course staff are also added to each course iLearn for additional supervision.
- You, as the instructor of record, are aware that you are the appropriate person to respond to and resolve complaints, conflicts, and grievances brought by students taking the course.
You have checked to see that the resources needed for this course can be provided by the department or are otherwise available to the student.
You have worked with the department to assign a space and time for the course (either through the general assignment process or independently). You, as the instructor of record, are aware that you are ultimately responsible for the success of your R’Course. In particular,
- You are aware that R’Courses must comply with the same university policies that apply to other courses taught for unit credit at UCR. You should pay particular attention to issues of course content, instructional standards, and academic integrity. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable policies.
- You understand that if the student facilitator does not comply with recommendations made by you, the department, or the R’Courses Board after the course has begun, or if the student is unable to continue as the instructor, that you may be responsible for completing instruction of the course.