Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don’t have my research results ready by the time the symposium happens?
We understand this may be the case for some students. Please choose EMERGING as your presentation category. Your research does not have to be complete.
Can I present at the symposium more than once?
The symposium presentations have grown every year and we want to accommodate as many diverse undergraduate students and subject areas as possible. To ensure equity and fairness to all students, we ask you only to submit ONE (1) abstract and present only ONE (1) time.
I’m a grad student. Can I submit an abstract to present at the symposium?
Due to capacity limitations and staff, we are not accepting abstracts from graduate students. We are only focused on undergraduate research and creative activities and encourage you to seek other opportunities to present your research.
Could I present an abstract or manuscript for a research project I am working on outside of UCR?
Participation in this UCR undergraduate symposium requires all presenters to engage in research conducted at UCR and with UCR faculty only.
I recently graduated from UCR within the last year. Am I allowed to participate?
We will allow students, who have graduated within the same academic year as the symposium, to participate. For example, if you graduated in summer 2024, fall 2024, or winter 2025 during the same 2024-25 school year as the symposium, which will occur in spring 2025.
What is the difference between an oral presentation and a poster presentation?
In an oral presentation, you give a short talk describing your research, either completed or emerging. After you’ve finished speaking, the audience may ask you questions about your research. For UCR’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Symposium, oral presentations are given online via Zoom.
A poster presentation features a large poster that gives viewers an overview of your research using graphics/images/figures with minimal text. You give a brief explanation of your research to attendees that guides through your project. These presentations tend to be more conversational, with listeners asking questions throughout the presentation. For UCR’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Symposium, poster presentations are given in person.
What is the difference between a presenter and a contributor?
A presenter is the person who will be giving the presentation, either as an oral presentation or as a poster presentation. A contributor is someone who significantly helped the project. This could be a graduate student, a post-doc, or another undergraduate student.
What is a Creative Activity?
Creative Activities are the final product of scholarly creative activity. These projects include, but are not limited to, submissions from Dance, Art, Music, Creative Writing, Media and Cultural Studies, and Theatre, Film, and Digital Production. Students discuss the research/inspiration behind the final product. Performing and visual arts projects may be presented in the traditional oral or poster format, or as exhibits, displays, performances, readings, and viewings.
Please contact us if you have any other concerns or questions by sending an email to ugr@ucr.edu.
2025 Symposium Dates
Coinciding with National Undergraduate Research Week #URW2025
April 21-24 Oral Presentations
April 25 Poster Presentations
Abstract Deadline: February 28, 2025